Weighing the BIG Switch !!

Well, as said before, CrossFit isn’t for everyone. WAIT WAIT, that isn’t true because….it sure is. All the moves can be scaled down to a person’s fitness level so now what’s your excuse? Making the move to the CrossFit lifestyle is an important one to think about and in this blog I will be listing the various Pros and Cons within CrossFit. Yes, I did say Cons, nothing out there is perfect. Now, lets take a look at why you would want to leave a gym like this one shown below…. 😦
24 Gym

And move to this type.. 🙂

As I stated before, CrossFit specialty is not specializing with the goal being to optimize performance in the “Big 10” fitness domains: endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. Basically, it’s a workout system that beats having no system. I can say this because I was like many that just went to a gym like 24Hr Fitness, and warmed up on a treadmill like a hamster then wandered around through a circuit of selected machines targeting 1-2 body parts. During this circuit I would text on set breaks or watch TV with the 20 platforms that were in the gym (why? who knows). Now, let’s get down to some Pros and Cons of CrossFit.

First, lets discuss some of the Pros that keep people coming back for more, myself being one of those people. For one, each and every workout is different than the last, keeping it fun/interesting helping one’s motivation and desire to not give up. On the science side CrossFit increases EPOC (Exercise Post- Oxygen Consumption) enabling you to burn more calories at rest. A big pro that I personally love is with trainer-led programs. Many people don’t have the money to pay for personal trainers in the gym, CrossFit plays the role as a happy medium for a person in terms of benefit and cost. You get the chance of working with a certified instructor that leads you through the various movements involved in the workout of the day (WOD). As mentioned before CrossFit is designed to hit every area of fitness allowing you to become a more well-rounded athlete by not focusing on two body parts and a cool down BS treadmill sesh. The culture is a big pro as well in that you develop friendships with those in your workout classes as they push you to succeed. your overall results are affected by the CrossFit community. Lastly, it will get you fit.

A big Con that people see is the price, most gyms being in the $120-$200 range/month. Not many people have this to spend on fitness. Also, classes are only at certain times with very, very few open gyms. The instructor plays a big part as well, you are at high risk of injury due to the movements associated with CrossFit and if your instructor fails to teach a movement the proper way bad things can happen. Another Con is that the workouts aren’t up to you due to the program your gym uses, unless your doing the workouts on your own. One more that comes to mind is the high-intensity workouts eliminate rest periods causing trouble breathing, some enjoy this and some don’t.

Those are a few of the Pros and Cons associated with CrossFit, now it’s up to you. To join, or not to join, that is the question. Thank you for reading, now go hit the gym.

2 thoughts on “Weighing the BIG Switch !!

  1. Pingback: Workout And Words For March 11th | Double Edge | Home of Double Edge Crossfit

  2. Pingback: Scaling Workouts | Al's 411 on CrossFit

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