What is Suspension Training?

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Suspension Training was developed by former Navy Seals and Stanford Graduate Randy Hetrick. He coined the phrase Total Resistance Training (TRX) and the associated Suspension Training bodyweight exercises in the 1990s. Suspension Training bodyweight exercise develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability simultaneously. It requires the use of the TRX Suspension Trainer, a highly portable performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete 100s of exercises. You’re in control of how much you want to challenge yourself on each exercise – because you can simply adjust your body position to add or decrease resistance. By utilizing your own body weight, the TRX Suspension Trainer provides greater performance and functionality than large exercise machines costing thousands of dollars.
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The picture shown to the left depicts the Suspension Trainers that are used during the TRX classes at my gym, Double Edge. The harness system allows you to use your own body weight for strength training in various exercises as stated before. By adjusting body position, the level of difficulty of a particular exercise changes as well, making it appropriate for people at all fitness levels (just like CrossFit “Scalability”). Now these suspenders may look like nothing but BOY, is it tiring. We have incorporated TRX training into a few of our warm-ups during the CrossFit class and I end up sweating after about 5 minutes (no joke). You would think that it would be easy to just move your body weight…well your wrong. Look at this picture…..
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Yea these push ups are really easy…NOT. Come try some for yourself at one of the classes offered at Double Edge. I remember one day we did mountain climbers with pistol squats with push ups with leg lifts…yea not fun. TRX really is great though because it allows for explosive movements without that rigorous pounding. It’s all about building functional strength and this is the perfect workout for it. Check out some Pros of TRX Training by Health & Fitness to get you even more interested. Now… Time to hit the gym and make some GAINS. Follow me for more. Have a wonderful night.

One thought on “What is Suspension Training?

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