Critics Will Always Arise w/ CrossFit

The CrossFit community continues to grow worldwide with 150,000 people who signed up to compete in the CrossFit Games this year. Over 100,000 more than last years number. But yet, there are thousands and thousands out there that continue to bash on the sport that is CrossFit. I guess the best we can do as a community is continue to serve as a positive example for all those haters. We can continue to improve our health and fitness on a fundamental level and demonstrate CrossFit’s effectiveness. We can encourage others to join us on a better path to health and support them when they choose to do something else. So, what are some of the reasons why people may dislike CrossFit?

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One major aspect that people may say they don’t like is that it’s too intense. But really, if it was easy everyone would do it. People may say that the trainers push members in class to death but in all reality, they are pushing them to be better athletes, better people. The motivation you get from a coach is what helps you finish a workout. Would you want your trainer saying, “oh it’s fine you look tired you don’t need to finish that last set or, you worked hard enough you can just stop now?” Heck no you wouldn’t, you pay for that motivation and if you half-ass a workout then why are you even there participating. I guess fitness to many people is moderate output with very limited toughness or strain? You may not be able to do the original workout and that’s fine, you can scale it. Any coach at any CrossFit box will help you scale the workout prior to it beginning which will still provide you with a high intensity workout like no other. They won’t make you feel uncomfortable, they will encourage you, it’s called a challenge. Only you know your limits, the coaches are just there to help teach the movements and help you.

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Then of course the “IT’s TOO EXPENSIVE EXCUSE.” You pay for what you get. I could easily spend $135 in one weekend so why not invest in something that will make you a healthier and fitter person. Do you know how much it costs for personal training? ALOTTTT more than a monthly membership at a CrossFit gym and your pretty much getting the same thing out of it. A certified coach to teach you movements and push you and others through a competitive group workout. Yep, sounds good to me. I was already paying $30 a month @ 24hrfitness, what’s an extra $100 for a more personal, more in your face workout. I said that I would try it for a month and see what I thought and, let’s just say I am still doing it.

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You can even do certain workouts outside, either make of your own or follow ones online. Yes, most gyms post the WODs online so you don’t even need to go the class you can just do it on your own time. CrossFit is a perfect example. Today’s workout online consisted of:
10 rounds of:
1 minute of rowing
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds of push-ups
Rest 15 seconds
Tons and tons of sites post workouts online for you to follow, though you may not have that same drive since your not doing it in a competitive atmosphere you can still track your time and post results to see how you hold up against the rest of the people that are doing the same thing. Go in and try a CrossFit Box out….eat clean….make some gains… Have a great night.