Personal Record (PR)

The two letters that keep CrossFitters and pretty much anyone that goes to a gym coming back for more every week..PR. Yes, the two letters that means more to an individual that you could ever imagine. PR stands for personal record. In today’s blog rather than just give more information and tips about the sport that is CrossFit, I will be explaining why PRing is so important and how it pushes you to do more, to lift more, to reach higher heights, OK OK I think you get the point. I will also go over some of my PR’s since joining my CrossFit gym one month ago, Double Edge.

Shown above is a picture of myself doing a front squat with 350lbs… Ok I’m just kidding. More like 175. This was the second time that I have ever done a front squat because like I said in prior blogs, I skipped leg days at the gym about 97% of the time. So on this day, Feb 12th, was my current PR. We did 5 sets of two this day and on the last set I went up to 175. After I left class I knew that I could do more than that the next time we did squats (it’s all mental). This helps you because the next time you do that same workout you will start at a higher weight and push yourself to do more, it’s crazy what your brain will do to you. So, the following week when we did front squats of 7×2, I started at 175 because I now knew that I could achieve this. As you can already guess I ended up getting a new PR of 195 which I was happy about, though it’s not much compared to about 100% of other crossfitters worldwide, it was still good to me and that’s all that matters. If you are showing gains then you know your doing something right, just never give up.

The first week that we did Deadlifts of 8×3 I started at 175 and by the last set I got up to 225. This again, helps you because the next time this comes up it forces you to start at a higher weight and finish at a heavier weight than last time. So, once again the following week of March 3rd we did 9 sets of 2 and rather starting at 175, I started at 195 and finished the last two sets at 235. Yes!!! A another PR, gotta love it. I could go on and on about other PRs but I think you get the picture. It is a great idea to jog down your scores after each workout so you can look back and see how you have progressed… BOY it’s a great feeling. ITS ALL ABOUT IMPROVING!!!!
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PR, two powerful letters that you will hear each and every day at a CrossFit gym. The more you see others achieving this, will make you strive to do the same. Take me for example, I’m not making HUGE gains but, there still gains. More and more will come in time and a year from now when I look back at all my scores from this first month of CrossFit..let’s just say I will of come a LONGGGGG WAY. So now it’s your turn, go set some PR’s, go push yourself. We all fail, but it’s the strength and motivation that gets us through. Follow for more #GAINS #PR #CROSSFIT. Have a great day!!