From the Open to Regionals

The toughest open workouts to date are finally over, next stop in the Crossfit Games path is Regionals. So how many advance to Regionals you ask? A whopping 48 men, 48 women and top 30 teams in each region are invited to compete in their respective Regional competition. The regional consists of four different weekends in which all the regions will compete. The dates are May 9-11, 16-18, 23-25, and 30-1st. Each region will have a weekend just for them consisting of 7 different rigorous workouts that will be posted each day with three events Friday, two on Saturday, and two on Sunday.

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There are seven scored events per division (men and women). There will be no cuts. All individuals will compete in all seven events (barring disqualification or failure to complete any minimum work requirements). Scoring is the same as the Open. At each event, athletes’ performances are ranked, and there is one point per place awarded (one for 1st, two for 2nd, etc.). Athletes with the lowest overall points win. The top three athletes from most regions will be invited to the Games with the following exceptions: Two athletes from each of the Canadian regions, and one athlete each from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

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Let’s just say these aren’t the easiest of workouts. Starts out with “Jackie”: 1000 meter row into 50 reps of 45lb thruster and finish with 30 pull-ups. Event 3 is what blows my mind; 30 burpee muscle-ups (HAHA let me work on a half of one first). Event 4 seems to be the hardest of the group with; 100 Wall-balls, 100 Chest to bar pull-ups, 100 one-legged squats, and 100 dumbbell snatches with 75lbs (wow I’m exhausted just reading it all). Well good luck to all of those competing in regionals. Maybe one day I will be there… probably not. How could I ever compete with the man himself Rich Froning. Go hit the gym, maybe YOU will be in the Games one day. Have a great night.

The Reebok CrossFit Games

The CrossFit Games are the world’s premier test to find the “Fittest on Earth,” these games have been around since 2007. How popular is it you ask? Well, according to Forbes the CrossFit Games have become “one of the fastest growing sports in America.” Last year at this time there was a total of about 5,000 affiliates, today that number is around 10,000. Reason I am choosing to talk about the games in todays blog is because today is the day that the first workout (14.1) of five is released to the public. Yes, you heard right, the workouts are not posted prior for all to see. If you knew what to train for then how would you be all around fit, exactly. The Games give you a year to train for anything and everything, and I mean ANYTHING.
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The Games are broken up into three stages; the Open (for anyone and everyone), Regionals, and lastly,the 2014 Reebok CrossFit games. Each week for five weeks a new workout is posted, those individuals that signed up and paid the fee will have until the following Monday to record the workout and post online for all to see allowing you to see how you compare with others. Any questions and concerns can be answered by the comprehensive CrossFit Games Rule Book. Not everyone qualifies for the second stage as I’m sure you already knew that. The regionals consist of a three-day live competitions which could open up a spot into the games. Out of all those that sign-up, only the top 100 (50 Men, 50 Women) advance. It’s a grueling test, see for yourself…

Since I am new to CrossFit with only about a month under my belt I am choosing to not participate this year. One thing that helped solidify my decision was by looking at last years open workouts…WOW!!!! Workout 13.3 was as follows:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls (20 lbs to 10′ target)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

No SHOT!!! Currently, I can throw a few double-unders in with a single jump rope but because my form is far from great it takes a lot of energy out of me for doubles (as if I would even have energy after 150 wall balls). Then next is 30 muscle-ups??!! Um yea, let me work on one first. This was just one of the intense workouts, the others are just as difficult. By seeing these I knew that I have a long way to go but hopefully by next year I will progress enough to give it a shot.

If you think you have what it takes to be the fittest on earth then go and sign up right now!! The first workout (14.1) will be posted in an hour. Best of luck to those competing and a huge shout out to those competing at my gym – Double Edge, kill it. Now go make some gains!!